TAKE A LOOK IN OUR DRUZE PAGE- ALSO YOU FIND HERE: The Shrine of Prophet Abourkab(pbhh)... The Shrine of Prophet Najjoum(pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Yunnus/Jonah (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Yussef/Joseph (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Nun (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Noah (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Najam (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Misha (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Mery (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Kzaiber (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Kasem (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Imran (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Sami (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Sari (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Rchadeh (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Ayla (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Khidr /Elija/Mar Elia (pbuh)... The Shrine of Prophet Ismail (pbuh)... The Shrine of Guardian Shamaoun/Shimon/Simon... The Shrine of Guardian Muhammad Ibn Hassan Al-askare.. The Shrine of Guardian John Baptist... The Shrine of Guardian Abi Zarr el Ghaffari...etc...

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Mosque El-Mansouri

The Great Mosque El-Mansouri is the largest mosque of Tripoli. It is located in el-Nouri district. In the middle of the mosque there is an ablution fountain. But the most important and atractive thing in this Mosque, is one hair of the beard of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh&hp), in the room of the Prophetic noble trace. We could not see this day, but we are going to return in the last week of the Holy Month of Ramadan, when they show it for people.

The last photo is not from us, but from the book of Islamic Worship Places in Lebanon, given to us in the Ministry of Turism.